Christian holidays?

If Shawn hadn't blogged about it I wouldn't even have noticed that today (Thursday) was ascension day. Some of you may know that I'm not big into holidays - the only one that I really pay attention to is New Years, and I typically "celebrate" that one by going to bed early to avoid the anti-climactic activities as the clock strikes midnight.

Ascension Day is one of the holidays that often goes unnoticed. Given the recent post on Sunday activities I'm curious as to how the more sabbatarian view such times. A few churches have services on such days, but I was told by one CanRC pastor in catechism class a few years back that they'd accept it if people didn't want to show up at non-Sunday services but required their presence on Sundays. Styles of dress also typically differed on such situations. Do you agree with this position? Personally I think that that position is a bit inconsistent, but then again I'd classify myself non-sabbatarian.


Langley has had Ascension Day services for several years now I think, but AFAIK most others around here don't. Since I've never been to one, I might not be able to make fair statements about them, but here are some thoughts:

  1. How did Ascension Day not become a statutory holiday like the other Christian holidays?
  2. IMHO, styles of dress for some people are poor on Sunday too. Blue jeans may be considered dressy in Brazil, but not here.
  3. I think we pay less attention to Ascension Day because the climax was back at Easter. It's interesting though that we pay more attention to Pentecost than Ascension Day.
  4. It does seem a little inconsistent that they wouldn't care who shows up when it's not Sunday. When the council calls the congregation together, you ought to be there. People seem to take it for granted that the congregation is called together on a scheduled basis (twice each Sunday).
  5. I wonder if they care the same about attendance on Good Friday as on Ascension Day?

  1. How did Ascension Day not become a statutory holiday like the other Christian holidays? - Too many holidays already during prime planting season perhaps? Do you think that it should be a stat?
  2. IMHO, styles of dress for some people are poor on Sunday too. Blue jeans may be considered dressy in Brazil, but not here. - Can you impose something cultural like that as a biblical mandate? I customarily don't wear jeans to church, but at the same time I don't have a problem with others doing so. What is the role of the church in this? Last time I visited CanRefdom, in his sermon the pastor explicitly spoke against non-formal attire - a comment which I found inappropriate.

Do you think that it should be a stat?

I'm not sure. If Ascension Day were to be made a stat, should Pentecost be made a stat too? If anything, I think Easter should be made a stat.

Can you impose something cultural like that as a biblical mandate? I customarily don't wear jeans to church, but at the same time I don't have a problem with others doing so. What is the role of the church in this?

All I can offer is a link to a discussion on the subject. To go into this would be a huge discussion beyond the scope of Christian holidays, your original topic.