Anyone interested in watching this?
After getting home from the "photography" excursion, I walked down to Rogers' Video to grab a movie to watch sometime in the next few days. What I ended up with was a copy of Luther, a biography of Martin Luther about which I've heard some good things.
Not sure when I'll end up watching it, but post a comment or send an email if you're interested in joining me. I don't think that I'll get a chance to watch it tomorow, but basically any time after that is fair game.
Mon, 2005-08-15 12:00
I'm up for it sometime this
I'm up for it sometime this week. Sounds like it could be interesting.
Mon, 2005-08-15 15:06
Ok. My prediction is that
Ok. My prediction is that it will be watched sooner rather than later.
Mon, 2005-08-15 16:48
As in: this evening after I
As in: this evening after I go bookshopping? or something not that soon.
Mon, 2005-08-15 17:11
Perhaps. As far as
Perhaps. As far as bookshopping is concerned, are you planning some online shopping or will you be running to Chapters or something?