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Largest-ever study of same-sex couples' kids finds they're better off than other children
That the title of the study starts with the words "Parent-reported" should be your first clue that it's the same-old pot calling the kettle black when it comes to studies reaching opposite conclusions.
‘HGTV effect’ pushes home renovation spending to record $63-billion
Artificially generated needs and, of course, it's low interest rates and the accompanying rising housing prices that are fuelling the home investment bubble.
How A Lack Of Toilets Puts India's Women At Risk Of Assault
Ever thought of the potential anti-crime impact of indoor plumbing?
'Night owls' drive much worse in the morning / Morning People Are Less Ethical at Night
Some of the interesting impacts of human chronotypes
She Left, He Left: How Employment and Satisfaction Affect Men'??s and Women's Decisions to Leave Marriages
Quick summary: whether or not a wife is employment is irrelevant to whether or not a husband initiates divorce but a wife being employed heightens the odds she will initiate divorce. A husband's unemployment increases the odds of divorce - both that the wife will initiate divorce and that the husband will.