The "Lost Tomb of Jesus" documentary

I don't know if any of you have been following along the news stories (here's one example) regarding this documentary produced by James Cameron (director of the movie Titanic), and entitled "The Lost Tomb of Jesus".

This seems rather obviously a money-making scheme more than anything in any remote sense credible. According to, even the director by himself doesn't seem to claim anything more than a scant 0.00005% probability that this hypothesis is correct. And, even then, you know what they say about statistics...

Comments there going to be that much factual content in it? I can't say I've paid any more attention beyond just shaking my head when I first heard about it.

And, even then, you know what they say about statistics...

Something like "80% of them are pulled out of ones ass" (yeah, I know...made up on the spot...I like my version better)

I'm not crazy...oh, wait, nevermind.

I'm following it. This is apparently the third time this tomb has been "discovered", and the previous two times it was already dismissed by the experts. Today's article in the Vancouver Sun also noted that the translation of the writing has a high probability of being incorrect.