Something peculiar about my calling card company
I've had an account with G3 Telecom for a number of years already, and just noticed something that seems a little odd with their rates on the prepaid plan. It seems that it would be cheaper for me to phone the Netherlands, Australia, Israel, or any one of a number of other countries than to phone the United States. (The situation is reversed, though, on their prepaid auto plan).
Thu, 2005-12-22 18:51
Not sure where you're seeing
Not sure where you're seeing that. Both prepaid auto and prepaid appear to be more expensive to those countries than United States.
Thu, 2005-12-22 19:19
Well, on the prepaid plan to
Well, on the prepaid plan to reach the US is 4.9 cents/minute. The Netherlands, Australia, and Israel are among a list of 30+ countries reachable at 3.9 cents/minute.
Fri, 2005-12-23 14:08
Ah ok I see now. Strange
Ah ok I see now. Strange indeed.