Psi gets decapitated
Well, my brother "stole" the monitor and desk that Psi was using, so I'm currently debating what to do with the machine. It's served quite well as a local file server / remote access terminal, so it would be nice to continue that. I suspect that I'll probably move it to the crawlspace now, and perhaps also give it a direct internet connection (as Shaw includes two IPs in its package).
Any reccomendations as to what to do with it? I've been debating setting it up to handle internal DNS and DHCP - which the little router box is presently handling. It's a little annoying not having proper DNS and reverse DNS operating if trying to set up network stuff.
For a while, I had an internal website running, but that didn't seem to be seeing too much use. Basically it was running in Wiki form, mainly providing links to commonly used websites - sort of a global bookmarks / messaging board.
Somehow I suspect that I won't be able to attract much in the way of donations to my hard drive & TV tuner with hardware MPEG encoding card fund, otherwise that would be a cool extra service to offer.