Will I get around to upgrading?

It's not really a secret that the "main" site doesn't get a lot of traffic here. What's mostly kept the site around are various other subdomains here that I host tools on for my own personal use.

At the moment it seems that things are getting closer to the eventual deadline for updating or shutting down (or generating a (more) static version of the site:

Drupal 7's end of life is January 5, 2025

On February 23, 2022, we announced that we would be extending the End-of-Life for Drupal 7 until at least November 1, 2023.

Today, we are officially announcing that Drupal 7 will reach its end of life on January 5, 2025.

... This will be the final extension.

I've generally been using Softaculous to keep this site up to date which will alert you when updates become available and makes updating pretty painless. That said Softaculous doesn't really seem to allow for major release updates to Drupal so that'll require a different strategy.

That said there is another way to semi-automate the updates via using drush, but which would also require evaluating the plugins in use and how replace them. That said, think I'm only using disqus and recaptcha here for the most part, as well as a markdown filter for writing up posts. I'd guess that the latest Drupal likely has native markdown support, and figure that both recaptcha and disqus are still active enough that it probably wouldn't be too difficult to upgrade.

Will have to see if i eventually get around to updating or not, but at least there's now a breather til early-2025.