Who said this?

Consider this tweet:

Ignorance can blind us; the paradox is so can expertise

The author is, as you'd know if you clicked the link, David Dunning, a person whose name people are probably more likely to have heard of in a different context. Similarly you see this in an article he wrote with Kaidi Wu,

To suffer from hypercognition is to over-apply a familiar concept to circumstances where it does not belong. ... who are most likely to fall prey to hypercognition? Experts. Experts who are confined by their own expertise. Experts who overuse the constricted set of concepts salient in their own profession while neglecting a broader array of equally valid concepts.

I was once debating trying to write a longer post on how Dunning's views don't quite seem to match how his name gets employed by a lot of activists. It's a little interesting, e.g., to consider Dunning's views on gender and over-confidence. e.g. when he did a Reddit ask-me-anything he was asked:

Is the Dunning-Kruger effect influenced by gender?

Dunning's response is slightly different from what I think a lot of people might expect:

Yes, but not in a straight line way. Men and women will tend toward overconfidence in tasks stereotypically associated with their gender, and underconfidence in tasks associated with the other gender.

(I'm tempted to further contextualize this but trying to stick to Dunning here).