On the comparative life expectancy of Black Brits and Canadians

This is from Dan Gardner's Don't Trust The Trust Decline, talking about how others may make incorrect assumptions about the world by making assumptions from watching American-focused media:

I’m very confident that most people assume that black Britons also have shorter life expectancies than white Britons. They don’t. In fact, the average black Briton from the Caribbean lives a little longer than the average white Briton, and the average black Briton from Africa has a much longer life expectancy — longer even than the life expectancy in Japan, which is among the world’s highest. (Similarly, all-cause mortality is lower among black Canadians than white Canadians. I doubt I’ll ever read that in the Toronto Star, although I will read headlines like this.)

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The Argentinian President and the AI future

It's interesting to see what an AI translation looks like for a full-length speech compared to the official version from the World Economic Forum's Youtube channel:

Will also be interesting to see what happens to Argentina in the wake of Milei's election as president as he's quite a change from the country's previous government given his generally libertarian positions and has tried to make some very-aggressive changes.

Initial results seem positive - e.g. doubling in supply of rental apartments as well as a 20-30% decrease in price after a deregulation of that sector. Flying commercial instead of hopping on a private jet like so many of the "environmentalists" likely in attendance at Davos was kinda funny.

(Overall I'm probably a little less libertarian than Milei but suspect the changes he make to Argentina will have positive results relative to the alternative).

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