Ever thought about how much many each year you spend (directly and indirectly) on plastic bags?

Well, I'm procrastinating again (as the topic might suggest)

One thing that I was reflecting upon a short while ago was the amount of money and resources spent on plastic shopping bags each year. I've been trying to cut back on the number that I use by avoiding them when possible (and I've come to like Superstore's method of charging you per bag - makes you think a little more explicitly about the cost). Even then it seems like there's still quite a number that end up filling the townhouse.

This might also be due to Calgary having a slightly different recycling service than is found in the GVRD. Basically, here you get to collect stuff and then have to drop it off at a number of central collection points (perhaps its a little less convenient, but these things do accept a larger variety of stuff than you can blue-box in Surrey). I think that curbside recycling service is targetted for 2009 here.

One other change in recycling practices that I've noted in Calgary is that a lot of electronics items carry a recycling surcharge. It seems a little easier to recycle some of these electronics this way.

The moral of the story - always take a coat along

One thing that I've grown to accept as a good habit is to take along some reasonably warm coat no matter what the weather happens to be. Prior to Calgarian life, my justification for this was due to the environments in which I've worked, but now it seems a good idea year round out here with the chinook effect.

As an example, on Monday morning it was roughly -16 (minus twenty-something with windchill factored in) and I was rather annoyed at being unable to find my toque. Later, in the afternoon temperatures were somewhere around 10 degrees and I was walking about outside without a coat on.

I was already slipping and sliding all over the place with the amount of ice on the sidewalks Monday, but I only expect that to be worse in the morning. There was a lot of snow melting Monday afternoon, and I expect that to be all ice when I wake up.

The erasable bible!

Check it out

I think that these MP3 files change every week or so (this page contains the current list), so this link may not be pointing to the same file as I listened to by the time that you access it.

Err.... whoops!

I sometimes forget that I'm logged in as administrator, and forget to modify things so that everyone can access what they need to. Anyways, if you've tried to access the news aggregator and gotten an access denied error, that should now be fixed.

For those Xangaites now reading Rotundus, I just figured that I would mention a few things:

  • Rotundus is a touch more complicated than a Xanga blog in terms of what it supports (how do people survive without the ability to vote in pointless and ridiculous polls?)
  • Anonymous commenting is possible. Your comments get dumped in a moderation queue and I then need to go and approve it. This system is a bit of a nuisance, but there were some spam problems in the past that this avoids. Thus, feel free to comment on anything, but if plan to make a lot of comments, consider signing up for an account.
  • Most posts on here are by me, but I'm not the only one able to post on this thing. It's a bit odd to return from a trip or something like that, and then discover that your blog was updated in your absence, but that's the way things are setup around here.


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