Well, this past Sunday I landed up at a evening service in a charasmatic church in jeans, and dirty ones at that. The sidestory to this one, is that I wandered off with one roommate (and his fiancee) to play a little football in a local park. Anyways, they somehow neglected to mention that there was this evening service afterwards, and hence:
[Dave] + [Football] + [Lack of Warning] + [Unusual service time] = [Dave in a charasmatic church in dirty jeans]
(That church is one that both of my roommates belong to, and this was a special service for the 58th anniversary of the founding of their church - they normally meet in the mornings).
From their brief statement of faith:
7. Every believer should experience the infilling of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. Every believer should receive gifts of the Spirit, as the Spirit of God wills, by the laying on of hands and prophecy; thus enabling him to enter into a Spiritual ministry. This will empower him to live a fruitful and godly life, full of good works, i.e. caring for the widow and the fatherless in their affliction, zealous in the witness of the gospel to every creature, and the fulfillment of his own personal ministry as a member of the one holy, universal church, which is the body of Christ.