Well, I started off by attending some churches that I know some people who have come from or left. In order of date of attendance, that would be Foothills Alliance Church, Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church (of Canada - not the PCA). Following that, last Sunday I ended up at Calgary Community Reformed Church (that last church didn't really advertise any denominational affiliation, but turned out to be part of the RCA). Anyways, I've got some thoughts on the respective theologies of those denominations, but I don't really have all that much time to post on Rotundus about that now (... <insert comment about getting that done in detail sometime later>). Basically the short version of that is that the first seemed a bit loose, and the latter two somewhat too liberal.
What I wanted to comment about at the moment was the use of LCDs projectors in churches. I think that in many congregations, the usage of an LCD projector does really either add to or detract from anything. However, after attending the last church on the list above, I've come to the conclusion that a projector can be of great benefit. In the case of the last church on the list, there were a number of powerpoint slides to go along with the sermon. Basically, any time a reference to a text was made by the pastor, the corresponding text would appear on the projector (quite useful, and keeps you from getting lost if you decide that you want to look the thing up). Additionally, some of the other stuff that they used used the projector for there was essentially an extended outline of the sermon, point by point as the pastor went through it. Again, it was a form of visual reenforcement of what the pastor was talking about, and as such made the sermon a lot easier to concentrate on. Basically, I think that over the course of the past few weeks my position on projectors in the church has changed from a neutral one, to one that is definitely in favour (as long as it is used properly).