Whither photos.rotundus.com?

If my bank account is to be entering a higher level of lockdown, I'm wondering if it's worth it for me to keep photos.rotundus.com online.

The current webhosting service that I'm using is about $40US/year for 800 megs of space, 10 gigs of transfer, and up to 10 gigs transfer (at a reputable webhost). At the moment, the photos galleries are gobbling up valuable disk space, but without them I can probably cut hosting costs in half or more (perhaps going back to discount-hosting.com).

I wouldn't be getting rid of the photo gallery were I to do this, but rather just moving it onto the LAN here (with access via SSH), and perhaps keeping a few of the most recent photos online.

Anyways, I just wondering if anyone finds the photo galleries to be of use, or if it's basically a personal collection of little interest to any of you.

On another web-related note, 1 & 1 is apparently now including WHOIS privacy features in it's $5.99US/year domain registrations. I renewed with NameCheap.com earlier this year, but the added feature may be enough to convince me to switch.

Adios Dave-mobile and Dave too it seems!

Following the demise of our pickup, the fate of the Dave-mobile was decided the other day. The ownership-change papers where signed yesterday, and the vehicle is once again insured and now resides in the garage rather than on that gravel patch off to the side of the house. I was a little worried about the health of my bank account at the beginning of the week, but it's looking somewhat more healthy news.

In other news: I was awaiting the mail today to see if a copy of a book that I ordered in early August would show up. Instead I received mail from someplace else.

I'd been speculating what to do come January the past few days, including thoughts of heading off to Europe for a few years (amidst other crazy schemes). Instead, it seems that I may be becoming an Albertan instead. My bank account was in lockdown mode before this, but it looks like I'll be tightening the restrictions further given the piles of money that grad students typically have lying around. Incidentally, Darren and Shena, if you're still debating a move to Alberta, I vote Calgary.

Additional incentive for a get together?

I've already mentioned this to Ryan, but everyone else is unaware that me and Shena (with Eliana, obviously) are moving back to "the sticks" on the 10th. We've found a place with 2 bedrooms in Yarrow. It's a mobile home, on the same property as the Schoutens (the parents of Lauren, who was in our class). Therefore, may I suggest a Monday afternoon/evening get together with the whole group?


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