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Mr. Obama: Taxing the rich won't increase revenues
What do the rich do when tax rates go up? Are higher tax rates likely to lead to increased revenue?
Prevention: Beer and Martinis: As Healthy as Wine?
What the study apparently found is that after controlling for studies like smoking, age, gender, physical activity the differences in health impact disappeared.
Don’t Support Your Local Bookseller: Buying books on Amazon is better for authors, better for the economy, and better for you.
IMO, the best blurb: "Compared with online retailers, bookstores present a frustrating consumer experience. A physical store—whether it’s your favorite indie or the humongous Barnes & Noble at the mall—offers a relatively paltry selection, no customer reviews, no reliable way to find what you’re looking for, and a dubious recommendations engine. Amazon suggests books based on others you’ve read; your local store recommends what the employees like. If you don’t choose your movies based on what the guy at the box office recommends, why would you choose your books that way?" Other than for last-minute gifts I tend to think of these things as almost more like a glorified coffee shop.
When the Doctor Faces a Lawsuit
"Researchers surveyed more than 7,000 surgeons and found that nearly one in four were in the midst of litigation. ... Other studies estimate that, depending on the specialty, anywhere from 75 percent to 99 percent of practicing doctors will over the course of a lifetime be threatened with a lawsuit. ... Doctors who have been sued may end up practicing defensive medicine, ordering unnecessary tests and medications or refusing to treat patients with more complex illnesses altogether as a safeguard against future litigation. Those same doctors can also become burned out, which can lead to even more errors, and more malpractice claims."


Truth be told I am a huge fan of Amazon. I love the access to the book reviews, suggestions for similar books, all the tech things I can do with them such as make wishlists, etc etc. That is how I get most of my books.

However real life bookstores still have a place in my life... there's just nothing for me that beats actually holding a book, feeling its heft, rifling through the pages, etc etc. It might be a glorified coffee shop but one that I enjoy visiting! Gets one out of the house at least.