Municipal elections...

Just wondering if any of you have been digging up info on candidates running in your local municipality, in preparation for voting day on Saturday. It's definitely a lot more difficult to find information on a lot of these candidates, than for thosing running provincially or federally.

Some people definitely didn't seem to be paying attention when electing a school board in California.

I've been trying to think of areas in which the municipal government comes into play. Basically, the first thought to come to mind was business licensing / development permits - to prevent casinos and other undesirable places from opening up in town. Other than that I'm having a little bit of difficulty thinking of other issues that would be important - other than stewardship (financial, environmental, etc.) and personal integrity.

On the school board front, beyond the stuff that is typical emphasized, there's the issue of sex ed.

Can anyone think of anything that I'm missing?

Get together on the 27th

Per my conversations with everyone this evening, the party is at my parents (4243 Tolmie) on Sunday the 27th. Pretty much any time should be fine, and I don't think anyone has to bring anything.

Canon's Canadian pricing is crap!

I'm still debating whether or not I can afford to acquire a digital camera. However, one conclusion that I've come to is that Canon's Canadian pricing for the A610 is crap. It can be acquired for $285US (~ $340CDN) at the large retail chain's websites. The same camera is current ON SALE in Canada for $420, and most stores currently have this model at $450.

If unmarried and not living with your parents, would you prefer to


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